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Syllables of a myth

Monument for Jason at Volos

Kostas Manolidis, Theoklis Kanarelis, 2019


The design proposal includes the pedestal and the surrounding space of a bronze statue for the mythical hero Jason, head of the Argonauts.

A composition of straight and curved shapes, made of dark green and white marble, extends at the ground between the pedestal and the quay edge, where a reconstruction of the ship Argo is moored. This flowing geometric configuration marks Jason’s return from the voyage and arrival to his homeland.

The formation of the marble surfaces embedded in the concrete floor refers to the characters of Linear B Script, the syllabic writing system used by the Mycenaean civilization.

But mostly, this scheme corresponds to a dense and abstract chart of the Argonautic adventure, with its curved routes, stops, turbulences, and the meandering unfolding of the journey.

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